Hopefully this guide will enable you to write a successful piece about muslim people!
Firstly, before you start jotting down points, take a step back and examine your current knowledge about muslims, or Islam in general. (yes the religion is called islam, not "maazlim cult") , keep that in mind as you want to impress your audience on your knowledge about muslims. After you've thought of everything that you think you know about them, take all the good stuff and chuck it right in the bin. . No one wants to read about muslims who are just like us, with similar , if not more rights and the same level of intelligence. DO not access this information in your piece of writing please.
Now you want to make sure that you mention that the majority of muslims are arabs and can't possibly resemble europeans or any other western country. If they do, its some kind of trick. Plastic surgery does wonders these days. Mum could've been raped by one, as white women are considered the trophies to unlock, but even then they're only half muslim. Could be a phase too, you know white people. Maybe some africans, but mostly arabs, so big nose, camel eyelashes, eyebrows to die for and olive skin: Check. Oh and extremely hairy! The most hair you'll see on a human being in your life time. Including women. Make sure you constantly reference to those characteristics since you want your audience to grasp what they look like , in order to run to safety when they encounter them. Why , you ask? This will be mentioned later on, as we have to establish some other things before you will be delivered with the literal bomb advice of this guide.
Secondly , a classic favourite would be the topic of the "Hijab", also known as oppressive piece of material that could possibly strangle its wearer or be responsible of a heatstroke due to high temperatures. It is the symbol of male domination and basically means that the women ( including all girls from age 5, very important!!!!!!) , who wear it , are illiterate and not capable of defending themselves in any way. They wanted to be free like their western peers, but Baba said no. No, as in make sure you go into explicit detail of how they get beaten with a belt or a popular beating device known as the "shipship" (shoe), for every time that they refuse to wear it or a body part other than their face shows. This type of behaviour is considered unbelievable and extremely seductive. A man once tried to rape one of them as he was intrigued by her ankles. Of course, the ideal here would be to have them covered up form top to bottom in black, like garbage bags because essentially that is what they are in Islam. Garbage bags that can clean the house and make great shawarma though! ( a sacred food of the muslims.) It is important to emphasise the sympathy you feel towards them, as they clearly didn't make that choice. Slide in some encounters you had where you tried to save them from their endless torture and they actually had the nerve to tell you that it was all right and they felt comfortable being identified as muslim. This should fully convince your reader that women in islam are meant to be kept like pets and "safe", of course.
Another important aspect of muslims would be that economically, they're way behind. They aren't even educated in the first place, so clearly, there are no muslims in the workforce. However you can mention the Oil sheikhs who were lucky enough to discover oil underneath the camel crap they dug up in the sand. They're pretty much the richest people you've ever seen and also have no clue how to spend their money. Thank god they have four wives and at least seven children from each to spend it on! Make sure to reference this when talking about their chances of survival in the modern world. Also the women are preferred to stay at home, and even when they go to school, after graduating they're immediately married off to some hairy creep. There is no choice , as this is known as arranged marriage. Also there have been many occasions where they don't see each other until the moment they are pronounced man and wife. This is done due to the fear of the relationship being mainly sexual , such as the shaking of hands or exchanging smiles.
Now , approaching the end, we have reached the climax of this guide. Apart from worshipping the devil and beating their wives, the one thing they love to do is bomb any and everything that has America written all over it. Preferably America. You could mention the attack in Paris, but Id suggest we stay with America. Remember 9/11? That's right, as soon as you feel as though you're giving them too much credit for coming up with humus or the brown tattoos they wear on their nails and hands (henna) , you throw in this little grenade. Remind your readers of the grief they must've felt for all these people that died on that day , that had nothing to do with them. Disregard the fact that in comparison to that, and prior to it, at least five times the number of muslims have been killed. Not a good move. Keep this topic focused on what the muslims did wrong, and remember that they're ALL responsible for it. Not just the group of extremists , no the muslim family at Walmart was most probably part of the whole plan. of course god asked them to do it, as they repeatedly scream that god is great whilst attacking. Such acts are the one time they can relax and connect spiritually with their god.Write about how the bump you notice in the headscarf is actually a mini grenade, in case they feel like it, and the long baggy clothes serve to conceal all the machine guns and bombs beneath them.
This guide should be effective in terms of showing everyone the TRUTH about Muslims.
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